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March 2020 Speaker: Jimmy Blackmon | Vision, Culture, Climate – Leadership!

Updated: Mar 21, 2022

Jimmy Blackmon is a retired Army Colonel, speaker, author, and Managing Partner at Exactus Advisors. Jimmy spent 30 years leading soldiers in the U.S. Army. He has six operational deployments including two tours in the Balkans, two tours in Iraq, and two tours in Afghanistan.

Jimmy was the air mission commander on the mission that killed Saddam Hussein’s sons, the #2 and #3 most wanted during the invasion of Iraq. He was also involved in the battles in which five Congressional Medals of Honor were earned. Jimmy is the author of three books.

He is also a three-time archery world champion, and he was a member of the 1998 U.S. Armed Forces World Cross Country team. Some of Jimmy’s awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, four Bronze Star Medals, four Air Medals, and he is a recipient of the General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award.

Jimmy was the 2017 Vistage Breakout Speaker of the Year. Program Description

Strategic leaders determine the azimuth for the organization - actually chart the path. To that end they primarily do four things: 1) Provide vision - get the big ideas right, 2) Communicate the big ideas effectively throughout the breadth and depth of the organization, 3) Oversee the implementation of the big ideas, 4) Determine how the big ideas need to be refined, changed, augmented, and then repeat the process over and over again. In this interactive, engaging, and insightful program, executives will see the power of casting an organizational vision, shaping culture, and the importance of climate to ensure success. Jimmy Blackmon will discuss how he effectively prepared an Army aviation task force to deploy to eastern Afghanistan, to the valleys where the attacks of 9-11 were planned and rehearsed. He will discuss how a culture of innovation and initiative, based on a climate of trust and empowerment, ensured success in a situation where the stakes were life and death. Furthermore, he will provide practical, pragmatic ways in which to shape organizational behavior that are certain to translate to success.

Value to Member Offers innovative leadership tools that have immediate, practical application for increasing performance and productivity levels in individuals and teams. After participating in this program, participants will understand how to:

  • Cast and manifest a vision

  • Shape organizational culture

  • Create a climate for success

  • The importance of trust and empowerment to achieve innovation

  • Understand the importance of personal relationships - how to truly connect with your people

  • Effective interview techniques that will help you hire and integrate the right people to support your desire organizational culture and climate

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